React.js – edit and delete comments in CommentBox
It appears customary for high-intelligence, high-skills groups of engineers to "roll their own" whenever they have a chance to. Counter-intuitively to most managerial/MBA types out there, re-inventing the wheel can give you... a better wheel. Success is not guaranteed though – but these people may leave sooner rather than later if you don't let them... Having looked at number of JS frameworks (ember, backbone, angular) there was no clear winner. They were all a mess, at least to me. So I approached React.js with no hopes – how much better could it possible be? It turns out, a lot! This post will be an extension of the official React.js tutorial . The tutorial stops at the stage where you can add comments to a dynamic lists, that will grow as you add comments. This falls short of the functionality displayed on facebook: once you add a comment you can edit or delete it, so that's what're going to do. Full disclosure, I only started using React this weekendo so m...